Risk Assessment:
Risks to actors and crew:
In our location there is a lot of damaged furniture and windows, this is a danger to the actor and the crew as things could easily topple over on top of you or you could cut yourself on the glass on the floor or surfaces. To minimise the risk of this happening we have asked that every person present for the filming is to be covered with clothing apart from the face to minimise skin being exposed to cuts, we also stressed that no one is to touch anything that has lass on it with their hands and if they have to move it then they brush is away with our storyboard that we brought with us.
There are also a few holes in the floor that were about two foot deep, this is a major hazard towards the crew as if they were to fall down one then it would hurt them badly probably not enough to injure them. This also would be a hazard to the equipment as if the camera was dropped down there then it would surely break and would break also if it fell down with another person as the person would land on it breaking the camera and causing further injury to the crew member. To combat this and minimise the risk of any damage to a crew member or a piece of equipment we got a person who we know very well to guide us through the hallways as she has been before, we also lit up the whole place to make sure that we could see exactly where we were stepping and what was around us.
We took one of our shots on top of the roof, however the edges of the roof had no railings to stop people from falling off of it, this would have injured us badly and in some spots killed us. However, to combat this we sectioned off a part of the roof where there was nowhere to land if we fell off, we also went nowhere near the edge of the roof to stop the risk of us falling.
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