Sunday 7 February 2016

Evaluation - How does your media product represent particular social groups?

One of the ideas that some thought the two men were in the same place because the stalker in the hood was going to murder the other man in the suit, therefore I researched online the connections with males and murders I found that of 215,273 victims in murders 77% were male and that men committed 90% of murders between 1976 and 2005. This means that males can be associated stereotypically with murders and being murder victims. We also felt that males are seen throughout history as a more dominating force between the genders and we wanted to only use male actors to try and cement the fact that there is a more dominating force, if we used a female antagonist we felt that it wouldn't have the same effect. We tried to create this idea of a dominating male character by keeping him mysterious and getting an actor that is tall and broad at the shoulders to make him seem more tough and manly. We also found that we beat the stereotype of the male stalking and killing the female as we used a male victim instead, we wanted to create something a bit different so that it wasn't the same as every other story line that has a similar theme across it.

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