
The music in the background of the opening scene when they are on the aircraft is very fast and has lots of deep base sounds in random places, this creates tension for the audience cause the music is stereotypically associated with something bad that is going to happen and we continue watching as we want to see what is going to happen. The music is very similar to the Jaws theme which had lots of base sounds in it which link our minds to the tension we felt in that film when we hear the soundtrack. The dialogue in the scene is very hostile and threatening especially by the main army man as he says things like "first person to talk won't be thrown out of this plane", this is a clear threat to the hostages to try and get them to talk about the man Bane which they are hunting for. The dialogue creates tension because the army man would not have had to make threats if these hostages weren't dangerous therefore keeping us on the edge of our seat and hungry to now more.
There are a number of soldiers on the plane with the hostages; we know this due to their camouflaged bullet-proof vests and lethal weapons. This creates tension for us as by looking at these soldiers we know that their hostages are high profile and extremely dangerous or they would be escorted by normal police officers, now we realise these are dangerous men we start to wonder what they are capable of and whether they might escape or not. Near the end of the scene another plane comes into view and is controlled by Bane's men, this shows that he is a powerful force as not only is his plane bigger he also has men with army gear and weaponry to take out the other army men that are his captors. This creates tension as it makes Bane seem more powerful and almost unstoppable.
Right before the hood is going to be taken off of Bane there is a sudden cut to where you face Bane but the hood is still on, this creates tension as we are now coming face to face with the man behind the hood and see who he is and what he wants. There are also fast paced cuts between different angles and people when Bane's men drop from their plane, this creates tension as it is building a climactic atmosphere and is reaching the crescendo before the main army guy realises Bane's master plan which then, once it is revealed, makes us realise that these men are in trouble and therefore we are biting our nails with anticipation.
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