Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Preliminary Task - Editing

Kai and I edited our preliminary task on Adobe Premiere Pro, it was an easy program to use once you got used to it after some teaching of the controls from the teacher it was simple and we got our editing of the scenes done in no time at all. In our editing we added in effects in-between scenes to create a smoother flowing interchange so it wasn't all amateurish quick cuts, however we did include some quick cuts as this can add more tension to a scene as it makes the pace of the scene increases. To make the shots flow nicely to create a good scene we made cuts to the shots we had filmed, this was to make our continuity better and to make sure our scenes didn't have any things in it that looked bad or that we didn't want such as us standing still or talking out of shot. We also included back ground music in the end credits where 'Insanity.' comes up to create tension as the music is quite quiet and relaxing which when in contrast with the scenes themselves creates and eerie and mysterious feel about as to what is going to happen next.

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