
The music in the first few seconds of the scene the music starts to pick up and it is mostly orchestral, this creates a lot of tension as it is quite fast and mimics the car in the tunnel and the speed of the car chase, it makes us tense by building up our emotions and eager to see this car chase which the James Bond series is known for. The diegetic sound in the opening scene of the gun shots and the car engine roaring makes us concentrated fully on the film as we know that there is a violent chase going on between the three cars and that the chase is even more dangerous than just having two cars racing each other, it makes us tense as we recognise Daniel Craig from the last James Bond and we know that he is the good guy in the film so it makes us sweat as we want him to survive this.
James Bond is driving an Aston Martin and wearing a very posh suit even though he is in a dangerous car chase which is very violent, this suggests that he is a very either rich or important character as he has very nice things it creates tension as because he is important we want to know why these people are chasing him and whether this important character is going to make it out alive from this. The high mountain motorway that the cars are chasing each other on is very perilous as any of the cars could easily fall off into the water or the mountain passes down below probably killing them, it creates tension as we don't want James Bond to die and he gets into and escapes from many potential crashes which could have sent him over the edge of the road.
At the start of the scene there are fast cuts on different aspects of James Bond's car, this creates tension as the fast paced cuts tells us that a chase is happening as this is the classic way a car chase is usually shown by using these types of cuts. As it is fast paced it goes hand in hand with the cars pace that it is travelling at and keeps us on the edge of our seats as we are waiting to know who's winning. The dark tunnel that James Bond drives through is very dim and made like this through editing to make the tunnel seem scary and mysterious, it makes the scene tense as we don't know where he is entering and what's going to happen to him it also makes us wonder why those men were chasing him which is later revealed when he empties his trunk of his hostage which was obviously what they were after.
Sienna, Italy - quite fancy and posh writing which suits the location of where James Bond is as Sienna is a very nice area due to its Italian origin.
Quantum of Solace
- these texts are in bold and very plain writing which contrast to the video in the background which is complex and full of action, it matches the neatness of James Bond as he is always in nice, neat and clean suits.
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